【同义词辨析】 2019-01-07 烟雾haze-smog
haze: implies a diffusion of smoke or dust or light vapor sufficient to blur vision but not to obstruct it: mountains rendered blue by the ~. (diffusion分散遍布: to spread out over a large area,如the heat from the radiator (was) diffused throughout the room暖气的热量遍布整个房间)
mist: implies a suspension of water droplets, floating and slowly falling through the air, that impairs but does not cut off vision: hair damp from the ~.
fog: implies a denser suspension than a mist, with power to enshroud and to cut off vision more or less completely: visibility reduced to inches by the ~. (enshroud完全盖住笼罩to cover something completely so that it can no longer be seen,如dispiriting clouds that enshrouded us in twilight黄昏时密云笼罩让人沮丧)
smog: applies to a haze, mist, fog made thicker and darker by the smoke and fumes of an industrial area: cast a pall of ~ over the city. (a pall of形容笼罩的一团,又如a pall of black smoke一团黑烟)
haze薄雾霾霭: 指空气中遍布的烟尘汽,使视线不清但未阻断,mist水汽: 指空气中悬浮的小水滴慢慢飘浮下沉,同样使视线不清但未阻断,fog雾: 指更浓密的水汽悬浮笼罩,几乎完全阻断视线,smog油烟: 以上三项由于工业油烟变得更浓更黑,是smoke+fog合成词变体
记忆方法: 1) 首字母HMFS想成很美水粉(想象水粉画)<==烟雾笼罩
2) 烟雾的意思是空气可见度差的天气状态mean an atmospheric condition that deprives the air of its transparency.首字母HMFS想成很美水粉(想象水粉画)<==烟雾笼罩 transparent透明的